
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Max-

I'm very excited to be using Mr. Comfy - I do a lot of daylighting design these days and this is proving to be very useful. Attached is how i've attempted to pair down the script for only daylight. Note that i added the Ladybug component to simplify the inputs...

Here are some functions i'd love to see:

1. Ability to cull down to a partial year / date range AND hours range. Currently the DSchedule component can only truncate time of day. But if for example i want to look at averages just during the summer months between 9am - 6pm, i have to do that in the excel .ill file. It seems that the components may allow this already, just not sure which settings need to be set (seems that the reporting frequency has something to do with this...)

2. I'd also like to be able to look at a subset of the points to look at averages in a part of the grid. The easiest i presume would be just to pull item #s; maybe there's a way to add visual identifiers to the selection option? Again, have been doing this in the .ill file. 

3. Provide, as an alternative to the .pts file, the option to input the point geometry directly from the rhino file - maybe this would help with #2?

4. I read up on your explanation on showing point-in-time values but can't seem to get that working. Would love to be able to do slider animations of the point-in-time calcs over a day like the bottom right of this (here i used Ladybug but the DA output would be more accurate).  

5. Visualization Bounds doesn't seem to work on the daylighting side - would like to be able to manually change.

6. Showing the peaks is a fantastic addition! But all that information is bundled in the python script - would love a way to parse it out to just show the peak numbers for example. 

7. Similarly to how DIVA shows data, it'd be great to add a component that visualizes the simulation parameters and color scale in the Rhino viewport...:)

i'm sure there's more as i continue to use it...

great script.



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