
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Folks! 

We've recently updated our grasshopper exporter for Modelo! Now it supports both the material color as well as mesh vertices color which means you could upload your colorful after-analysis mesh up to Modelo and share it with your friends!

The example and exporter could be downloaded here:


PS: we are also working on an auto-split code that could subdivide big meshes into smaller piece in order to be rendered correctly in Modelo! 

Attention: right now, each individual mesh should have less than 65,000 vertices to be rendered in Modelo! If more than that, it will make your rendering extremely slow! So it's better to slip your big mesh first!

If you have any questions, leave your comments here or shoot me an email at



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Hi Suqi,

I'm keen to try this, but the above link is broken (Access Denied ?!).

Are you looking for beta testers?



hey Mathias, thanks for letting me know. I've just updated the link, now you could download it.

And there are couple of video tutorial that you may wanna take a look before using. 

Beta tester are perfect!!!! Welcome, let me know if there are any questions. 



Thanks for updating the link. I could have used the download on your homepage, too.

I got this setup and running very quickly and am really impressed. I have been looking for a solution to publish and embed 3D drawings directly from GH. Great work!

I have one question:

I am a heavy GH user and create a lot of geometry that is never baked to Rhino. I see that you use the GUID and Rhino layer structure to make the data more navigable, which is great.

Would it be possible to have an option to export (unbaked) GH geometry that doesnt require a GUID? You could use a TreePath structure instead of layers to help with navigation.


Actually, there are great tools like Human that allow you to create object attributes like layer, color and material information that Modelo could use with GH geometry, but without necessarily baking geometry.

Thanks Mathias, that's good suggestion! Will look into it!


Just yesterday I was complaining the lack of a universal model sharing service, where you could share models with clients without the need for software installment at their end. And here you have created just that. 

Tested it and it works great! Thank you for this tool and great work!! I will be using it a lot.

One request for the online UI:

- The possibility to delete 3D-notes.

Requests for Gh component:

- The possibility to preview the NavPath

- Separate "Write File" boolean input

Hey Toni:

Thanks for feedback! 

if you are using a mouse, you could hover on the red dot and click middle button of your mouse to delete comments! : )  I am right now changing many of the UX stuff to make it more intuitive.

To preview path is a sweet idea, will put it in my To-Do list! 

Thanks! if there are any questions please let me know.



It worked! Thanks for the tip.

One more thing that came to mind as potentially useful feature would be the possibility to create 3DNotes inside Rhino/Gh. They might be notes directed towards clients, so when the model changes, I would not have create then anew.

That's awesome suggestion! Will get it work!

Thanks Toni

Hello Sugi

Modelo plugin looks great! Grasshopper really needed such a service! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our models and embed them in our websites.
I just had a problem with the Modelo website. When I enter my email the Upload splash screen doesn't show up! I tried entering different emails but it didn't work. I only received an email saying welcome to Modelo! Any suggestions?

Hmm. that's unusual.. you mean when you enter this url:  and enter your email then nothing shows up? 

exactly! It doesn't give me the chance to upload the .json file





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