
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Modelo - the communication hub for AEC industry. 

Location: Cambridge,MA
Members: 77
Latest Activity: Dec 14, 2024

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Discussion Forum

Some recent updates of Modelo

Hi folksI am very excited to share with you some of our recent updates. 1. We have an iOS app now! Download it here: …Continue

Tags: web, webgl, sketchup, revit, rhino

Started by Suqi Oct 18, 2016.

Modelo Beta is now available!

Hi folks, I am extremely happy to announce that our Modelo Beta is live now, you can check it out here. It has been such a journey from my first…Continue

Tags: 3dmodeling, collaboration, 3d, presentation, architect

Started by Suqi Feb 3, 2016.

Modelo priviate beta

Hi folks! We've successfully launched our beta product on Sept 21st, last month. Now we are testing with more than a hundred designers. Basically what we have for the beta is almost totally…Continue

Tags: sketch, webgl, management, collaboration

Started by Suqi Oct 30, 2015.

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Comment by Suqi on October 30, 2015 at 2:55pm

folks, I've posted a new discussion about our brand new Modelo beta. Here is the link:

Comment by Suqi on August 24, 2015 at 12:26pm

Thanks Alex! Actually, what you see online right now is just the "alpha" version. We are launching a new product next month, with which, you will be able to upload native Rhino,SketchUp, Revit models with full textures. For the parametric slider, i think it's a very good idea, we'll see what we could do on our side. You could sign up for beta test on our front page at:

Stay tuned. 

Comment by Alexandre LSG on August 20, 2015 at 1:10pm

Awesome Suqi! Complexity made simple, with an amazing aesthetic sense!

In edit mode, would it be possible to:

- Add texture (ex: change eames chair seat from plastic to leather)?

- Change geometry parameters with sliders (ex: like change eames chair base with a parametric script)?

Again, amazing!


Comment by Suqi on November 22, 2014 at 2:10pm

Hey Youngjae,

yeah, that's definitely in our consideration! - customizable UI, along with some other editing functions.

About Verold and Sketchfab, I kinda like what Sketchfab did for the visualization part, their texture mapping is pretty good. Compared to both of them, we do see a huge difference from our product and our believe, what we are trying to achieve here is more about a light mode of collaboration which means: we don't want to create another level of repetitive complexity online again for every designer, you could tell from our current UI, we tried to make it as clean and minimalistic as possible. Then the showcasing part is a bonus for our users. We are trying to deliver fun and intuitive at the same time efficient product, not another online modeler or online rendering farm, cause we know you have those on your computer.

Thanks for the comments! Looking forward to see your works on Modelo

Comment by yj on November 16, 2014 at 1:55am

Hello Suqi, sorry it was confusing. It seems like I was describing a work flow that I am familiar with in order to achieve something similar to your modelo project, using unity. Here is a link to some walkaroundable online models I have found interesting - and I believe they are made with unity. There is also verold and sketchfab which seems a little similar with modelo. I was curios about whether if it would be possible to customize the UI once the model is uploaded, besides the process of uploading the geometry. Thank for creating such a promising platform! 

Comment by Suqi on November 14, 2014 at 12:01pm

Hey Youngjae, 

I don't quite get your point. We are currently updating our back end so it will support more format inputs. As for the next step, we've already have people to start developing plugins for those major software. So no matter which software it is, the model you export will be in our format, in that case, The UI will be consistent. Let me know if this answers your question. 

Comment by Suqi on November 14, 2014 at 11:57am

Thanks Nick, you may want to check this link for more fun:

Comment by Ralf on November 13, 2014 at 2:00pm

nice work guys!

Comment by Nick Tyrer on November 13, 2014 at 11:28am

Nice chair!

Comment by yj on November 6, 2014 at 10:39pm

I've been looking into rhino/grasshopper> revit (via grevit(floors, levels), hummingbird(walls), lyrebid (doors), rhynamo (conceptual mass, detailing, specification)> 3ds max(texturing, export to fbx)> unity 4.5 workflow, and its a lot of work. maybe modelo can be an enough reason to make gh/rhino>revit>3ds max>unity workflow an exception but i dont know how customizable the UI is. How do you customize the UI?


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