
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

There have been a few incremental updates to mesh+ since the 2.0 release.

If you have downloaded a version prior to 15.08.23, (version m+2.0.03 )I recommend re downloading and overwriting the user object files.

The changes are not apparent, but fix a few bugs, and make some minor graphic tweaks. Thank you to Christian Schmidts for catching some over sites in the rings, bands, and topology selection components.

I'll add reply's to this discussion as new updates are released.

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A small update to mesh+ is available for download at Food4Rhino.


  • If input meshes did not have face normals, several components that required them would fail. Now if face normals are not computed, the component will add them when needed.
  • Added a preview mesh for the Unitize Mesh Distances Component
  • Separated Analysis components by vertices, edges, and faces
  • Fixed some tool tip description errors.


  • By request, Implementation of Explode un-welded meshes

Version: m+v+2.0.05 update is available for download at Food4Rhino.

This version of mesh+ introduces numeric mapping, diamond tiling, and several updates.



  • Diamond Tiling to the Make Category
  • Map Edge Values, Map Vertex Values, Map Face Values components whose purpose is to allow for the easy mapping and winding compensation for the Barycentric mapping components. These components allow for the remapping of numbers whose structure is either per face, vertex, or edge to match the structure of all of the following structures.
    • Per Face, Edge, Vertex
    • Each Face's Edge
    • Each Face's Vertices
  • Edges extracts the edge lines from a mesh while maintaining their topological order and returning the topology vertices which define each edge.


  • Added an output filter for the selective removal of faces for the Rhombitrihexagonal, Snub Square, and Truncated Square make components.


  • Added checks for face and vertex normals, trying to eliminate cases where an extra step has to be added to calculate normals needed for certain operations. This was thowing up an "index out of bounds" error on several components unless the normals were computed beforehand.

Note: There is one more planned update for mesh+ in the works which will add new triangulation and hexagonal components to the make category, as well as ngon barycentric cell mapping. However the timeline on this is TBD. As such, this current release is meant to make sure the issues were addressed and to push out the data mapping components.

Version: m+v+2.0.06 update is available for download at Food4Rhino.

The sample files have been updated to reflect these new features.

This version of mesh+ introduces a new ngon based mesh component and Barycentric mapping of points, curves, and meshes from meshes and now from ngon polylines.


  • nGon Mesh to the Make category: see description here
  • Map Points to Mesh which operates similar to the old mesh mapping
  • Map Points to Curve which uses  barycentric mapping referenced from a reference closed polyline curve to a target polyline curve
  • Map Curves to Curve, operates on same principle as above, but with curve geometry as the unit for population
  • Map Meshes to Curve, operates on same principle as above, but with mesh geometry as the unit for population
  • Align Mesh Vertices re positions the vertices of a mesh which fall within a given radius to one another to a coincident position.


  • Map Curves to Mesh mapping has been updated to allow for volume mapping similar to the previous mesh mapping component. All barycentic mapping components now operate in similar structures allowing two geometries to optionally define both the reference volume and the target volume.


  • Offset Mesh component's offset distance was being halved

Note: The new triangulation and hexagonal components still under development, but I thought the outcome of the ngon meshes (which now will allow for doo sabin subdivision, etc.) merited a release.






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