
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Mantis Shrimp

Mantis Shrimp is a Grasshopper/Dynamo set of User Objects that allows to move geometry between Rhino/GH and Revit/Dynamo. 

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Jun 10, 2016

Mantis Shrimp

Mantis Shrimp is a Dynamo (Revit) and Grasshopper (Rhino) interoperability project that allows you to read Rhino's native *.3dm file type as well as export geometry from Grasshopper. It is written in Python in form of a user objects (on Grasshopper side for exporting) and custom Python nodes (on Dynamo side for importing). It's an OPEN SOURCE project with all of the source code available on this repository. At the moment it's a collaboration project between myself and Mostapha Sadeghipour, but feel free to join in.

Couple things to check before you can get started:

1. To install/download all of the Mantis Shrimp components use Dynamo's Package Manager. Upon completion of installation your Dynamo set up will be complete and the only thing you have to do is drag/drop Grasshopper user objects onto Grasshopper canvas. Those objects are located in this folder: 

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\0.9\packages\Mantis Shrimp\extra

DO NOT MOVE from that folder. Only copy/drag&drop Grasshopper user objects. 

2. Mantis Shrimp is written as Python nodes. Make sure that you have ghPython for Grasshopper installed and of course IronPython 2.7 but the latter should come as a default when you install either Dynamo or Grasshopper.

3. Mantis Shrimp relies on ability to access RhinoCommon.dll to transfer geometry between Grasshopper and Dynamo. Please use a component called "Specify RhinoCommon.dll Path" to set the path of the DLL file. By default it should be located at: C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System so check there first. This is a one time process so you only have to do it once from either Dynamo or Grasshopper (that same component exists in both).

4. Exporting from Grasshopper uses a native IronPython2.7 module called pickle or cpickle. Make sure that your IronPython is installed in the default location C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7. Again, unless you have specifically changed that location you should be good to go.

5. Read this Getting Started tutorial:

6. Read this Export/Import example tutorial:

7. Read this Export/Import 3dm files, example tutorial:

* Current supported version of Dynamo is 1.0.0. 

Discussion Forum

Export Data to REvit 1 Reply

Hello There, Is it possible to export data to Revit through MantisShrimp. I have this panels in GH that are all taged with a color code. I need to export this code (txt format) and it needs to be…Continue

Started by Claudio. Last reply by konrad k sobon Jan 11, 2016.

Mantis Not working 6 Replies

Hello,I just installed Mantis ON Revit 2015 works nice. But on the GH side it seams that something went wrong. I'm on a windows 8 machine runinr Rhino 5 and Lates version of GHThank you for youy…Continue

Started by Claudio. Last reply by konrad k sobon Apr 28, 2015.

Comment Wall


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Comment by konrad k sobon on April 27, 2016 at 6:51am

@Nicolas Senemo I am sorry about your trouble. The thing is that you probably moved the module out of the Dynamo extra folder. It's in the same location as the User Objects but you cannot move it with them. It's just the User Objects that go into Grasshopper's folder. I will try and fix that. Maybe an installer will be a good addition to this. 

Comment by Nicolas Senemo on April 26, 2016 at 8:13am

I finally installed it (on a other computer, where i didn't mess up all the python files..)

This application is just great! 

Comment by Nicolas Senemo on April 14, 2016 at 4:50am

Hello there,

Sorry but I'm having a hard time insalling mantis schrimp.
Mantis is installed in dynamo, no problem there
I installed ironpython
I have grasshopper python component
I dropped all the mantis user objects in gh canvas

When I try to use any component in gh > It says:
1. Solution exception:No module named mantisshrimp

I probably missed something..any idea?



Comment by konrad k sobon on November 23, 2015 at 7:05am


It has been updated. Please download latest from Dynamo's Package Manager. 

Comment by Rasmus Holst on November 20, 2015 at 6:39am

Hi Konrad.

Will there be updates for Dynamo 9.0? Or is it the manual way in the python script? :) 



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