
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

Is there a way to have the PV component read the power generation of a vertical surface? I get an error whenever I try. I know the generation will be minimal compared to properly angled panels, but I want to test it for low west light in the winter months.


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Hi Scott,

Certainly you can. You are right about it being lower than for angled surfaces.
Can you attach your definition please?

A small unshaded working example is attached below.


Hi djordje,

Thanks for the answer and example file! Super helpful. Sorry for the late response, prepping for a review. I've always just used breps for the surface (which doesn't work vertical for whatever reason) as opposed to defining the surfaces through components. Thanks again!

Hi Scott,

Both Rhino referenced and grasshopper created surfaces should work.
Can you attach the brep that is raising an error, please?
Thank you.

Hi djordje,

Here's the Rhino and GH files that are causing the error. Thanks for taking a look!


Hi Scott,

The vertical panels are tiny little bit angled (0.00033 to 0.00047 degrees). This is a normal thing happening during modeling.
It was my mistake for not accounting for these kind of small tolerances. It has been fixed now.

I attached below the newest "Ladybug_Ladybug" component which incorporates fixing of this issue.

Once again thank you for finding this bug. Because of people like you, Ladybug+Honeybee project gets more and more reliable each day.


Hi djordje,

Impressive! I would have never noticed that. I'm glad there are people like you that are able to fix this and build & code such an awesome program!






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