
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Having a similar problem to the previous posts... 

My error is 1. Solution exception:index out of range: 0 when trying to run the Read Annual Result. First I get an error with the code, which I have attached a picture of and then I see the solution exception error. Thoughts?

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You forgot to internalise the geometry.


This might be a dumb question... but how would I go about doing that?

At the same place where you add the geometry to the component there is an item "internalise".


Abraham said it right, I'd just add an image (just in case))):

Thank you this was very helpful!!!

Did you ever work out how to solve this problem??

Hi Ben,

When I had this problem it usually was because I had a problem in the context. The component was looking ok, but then some surfaces or meshes were giving problems. Try to unplug it and see if the error remain.

Nevertheless, without seeing your file it is quite difficult to know which may be your problem

Hi Julia,

Thanks so much for the quick reply, not entirely sure what you mean by unplugging the surfaqce and seeing if the error remains, here's my file & thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

(you might have to relink the 'annual_analysis_files' output from the runDaylightAnalysis componant to the _illFilesAddress input of the readAnnualResults I componant, as I have linked mine directly with a panel and copy pasted path due to another error earlier on)








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