
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

I am using Ladybug_ShadingDesigner to define overhang for a window. I tried to use shading designer from this hydra example. What I'm with is getting my context recognized.

I believe the shading generated is not being influenced by the context geometry that I am supplying. Can anybody suggest what I am missing here? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!


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Hi Devang,

I think you can solve your problem in this way:

1) you should make something like in the screenshot below. This is because of MeshRay component.

2) basically "4 true" means that the window is obstructed. So you should use "<" instead "<=" and move a bit your obstruction to leave sufficient space to rays which comes from vertices of the window.


It reminds me something we are cooking Antonello ... :-)


Hi Abraham,

I would be interested in what you both are collaborating on.



Hi Antonello,

Thank you for looking into this. I understand what you're saying. However, I am still struggling with this. I receive True values for all the intersections, which does not seem right. I also changed the context so that some rays can directly hit the corner points of the window.

However, I still get the same result.

I have attached the file again. Is it the case that this is happening on my machine only? Does it work fine at your end?

I am wondering if there's something wrong with my GH definition or should I dig deeper into the code for this one.

Thank you!


Hi Devang,

I forgot to tell you that you need to make a hole in the building. Check geometries in attached file ;)




Thanks a lot, Antonello,

For now, it works. This was a simplified version of a model that I am working on. I believe the SunShade component that you're developing in collaboration with Abraham will be of more help.

Thank you!







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