
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all!

I would like to run an optimization analysis with Galapagos based on shading devices (trees) around a small house. I tried to convert my simple Energyplus model into Honeybee, but I did not understand how to insert several parameters that I need to compare in my results:
1) in Internal Gains-People, how can I insert the schedules "work efficiency", "clothing insulation", "air velocity", and the thermal comfort model 1 type (adaptiveCEN15251)?
2) in Internal Gains-Lights, how can I insert the Return Air Fraction, Fraction Radiant, Fraction Visible, Fraction Replaceable?
3) 1) in Internal Gains-Equipment, how can I insert the Fraction latent, Fraction Radiant, Fraction lost?
4) where can I change the "Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface"?
In general, I would like to know if there is a way to simply add Energyplus fields that I need: I noticed that it is possibile to add new fields in "Honeybee_set Energyplus Zone Loads" and "Honeybee_set Energyplus Zone Schedules", but I cannot understand how this new data are then processed by Energyplus
Moreover, I have a problem with the 0.0.56 version of  "Honeybee_EP Construction", which gives an error "layer_1 is not a valid material_definition. create the material first and try again" when I try to set a construction; therefore, I used the 0.0.55, which is perfectly functioning
attached you find the .gh file I made
thank you all very much

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Thanks for the reply. I found similar topics discussions. I had an older version (19KB). I installed a new version and also placed it here C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Ladybug. But this is still does not work.

Hi Dmitry, Based on the error report you need to copy it to C:\ladybug.

Hi Mostapha,

I copied it into C:\ladybug also. And also reinstalled ladybug. It does not help.


Hi Dmitry,

Sorry to hear that. The last solution that I can think of is to check if gendaymtx is blocked. You can right click on the file and check properties to see if it is blocked.

Also if you check inside c:\ladybug\odessa_ukr there should be a .bat file which you can open as a text file and add a Pause at the end of it as a new line. Save the file and re-run it. We should be able to see the error there.

There were two minor bugs in the updated version of EPSim. I updated Honeybee_Honeybee and EnergySimPar components and now the issue with SimControls and GroundTemp is solved. The updated file is attached.


Problem solved, thank you very much!


Dmitry's case runs without problem on my system.

Can't reproduce the issue.


Back to construction every time that Honeybee_Honeybee flies it overwrites the custom libraries. If you are not changing the constructions parametrically then I would create them once and copy them to userCustomEPLibrary.idf file.

This is something that we should also get fixed on our side.


Problem solved here too! We're Looking forward to the next fix without any hurry! Thank you very much


Hi Mostapha,

I try to use the component named “Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" but I get an error as following.
0. Runtime error (EncoderFallbackException): 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u7F57' in position 147
1. Traceback:
  line 176, in main, "<string>"
  line 193, in script

My Honeybee version is 0.0.58 NOV_07_2015

I'm really sorry for bothering you but could you give me some advices for this problem?

It will help to upload your file. From what you wrote i suspect about using characters that are not recognized (like chinese, etc).








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