
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everybody,

I tried to create a HBZone with a wall which includes window, it seems the "Honeybee_addHBGlz" component just accepts the "Untrimmed Surface",

If I connect a "Trimmed Surface" surface to "_HBObj" of "Honeybee_addHBGlz" , the "Honeybee_ Run Energy Simulation" component cannot output temperature of window.

How to solve this problem.

May I get help from someone, thanks advance.


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Do you have a simple example to recreate this issue?

Hi Mostapha,

Thank you for your reply,

I tried to recreate a simple, please find enclosed file, but it seems I met two problems, the first is that I mentioned it above, the other is that I got an error: Solution exception:math range error.

Could you please help me related two problem, thank you very much.



The error information is from "Honeybee_ Run Energy Simulation"


Your file has a basic definition error. You defined the surface type of a wall as Window. See red group in the image below. The input needs to be o instead of 5. Another issue you had is connceting a window construction to the same wall. I disconnected (so now it has a default construction) and connected it to the HB_addHBGlz (see blue line).

I also rebuilt those surfaces (so they are not trimmed) but at the end there is no need for that. But just in case i left the, so you can get the idea from the image.

After those changes it runs fine.

BTW, i would not define a door as you did. There is a native door definition in E+, and it is a child subsurface, just as the windows.


Hi Abraham,

Thank you for your reply and correcting my mistake.

I have two issues which I want to discuss with you.

A. I tried to create workflow according to your suggestion, but I do not get correct workflow, even I cannot add the second window on the wall(Workflow-1). 

B. I tried to use "Honeybee_addHBGlz" to add a door on the wall, the material of door is "Gypsum"(Workflow-2), but I get an error form "Honeybee_ Run Energy Simulation" which are: 

1. The simulation has not run correctly because of this severe error:
** Severe ** FenestrationSurface:Detailed="DOOR_GLZ_0_513C318F179148E79686" has an opaque surface construction; it should have a window construction.

1. The simulation has failed because of this fatal error:
** Fatal ** GetSurfaceData: Errors discovered, program terminates.

Please find enclosed file, Could you please help me for these issues. Thanks.




See image and attached for workflow 1 working. It needs to be much simpler than what you tried. You need to input all desired windows to the base surface and not one by one, in tandem. Is working now.

Didn't check workflow 2, but the error says it all. You can not assign an opaque material to a window. Right now you can not define a door element in HB and probably it will be tricky to do that. What i suggest is to define the window properties for the door with a VT of 0 (assuming is doesn't have any transparency), U value as you need and SHGC also as you need/know.



Updated file with an example of the construction.



Hi Abraham,

Thank you very much, I will research your suggestion.







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