
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All,

I am having some troubles with LadyBug - SunPath component.

I have been trying to extrapolate the Sun Position HOY and the Sun Position as lists and I have noticed that the last month (December) is not in the list.

I do not know which kind of error could be but I would appreciate if anyone of you could point me out a solution to extrapolate the whole range of data.

Many thanks for your support and for these tools in general,


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Hi Mattia,

I believe it does have sunPositionHOY for the December month. In the list that you get, the items from index 4125 to index 4404 are for the month of December. You could check the same by using sunPositionInfo output I believe.


Can you share the file that or a screenshot of the problem? Is it only happening when you're using HOYs?

My best guess is that your input for months are from 0-11 which should be from 1-12 but I can be wrong.

Thank you for your prompt replies.

Apparently I was not using the Analysis Period and instead I was using a grasshopper commands. In this way, I was not considering December.

I have resolved now.

Many thanks again for your support and the tools,






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