
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have encountered an error using Honeybee with regards to its support for EP 8.3. I have installed the latest version of Ladybug+Honeybee along with the Energy Plus V8-3-0. Once I load the Honeybee_Honeybee component, I receive the error message indicating that "Honeybee cannot find EnergyPlusV8-1-0 folder on your system".

I have looked up the UserObjects repository on Honeybee Github and noticed there are two components with a comment as "All Clear for EP 8.3 Support". I have downloaded and replaced these two component on my local userObjects folder for grasshopper.

However, I still encounter the error message indicating Honeybee is looking for EnergyPlusV8-1-0.

I would appreciate if you could help me with this problem.

Thank you

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Hi Alireza. Did you also updated Honeybee_Honeybee inside your file?


To be clear, the latest version is the version on the github: what you get when you click on "download zip" on this page (

The latest version IS NOT the version on the, food4Rhino or the link off of the grasshopper group page.  That is just the last stable release.

You can use the "Update Ladybug" and "Update Honeybee" components to automatically sync your userobjects with the github (so you do not have to hit 'download zip').

HI, Alireza, can you installed EP 8.1 which can co-exist with EP 8.3?

I think by default LB & HB are still looking for EP8.1 currently for some of its components.

Pls correct me if I'm wrong ...

They can co-exist ... but you are wrong. The last version from the github calls for 8.3.


Thanks, Abraham!

Can the LB+HB developer team consider an option for the Run Energy Simulation component to choose EnergyPlus version so that people who don't have the latest EP due to computer admin control on installation can still enjoy using LB+HB?

Judging from the .bat file for EP to run, this option can enable the users to specify which version of Epl-run.bat to use if they don't have the latest EP.

Of course this is not applicable for some of the latest LB+HB components which may need to utilize the functions of the latest EP.


Hi Grasshope, Honeybee looks for available/installed EnergyPlus versions of EP on your system and picks the latest version. If you have any version after 8-1-0 installed on your system Honeybee should run the analysis on your system.

Thank you, Mostapha!

However, after I uninstalled EP8.3 and leave only EP8.1 on my computer, the Run Energy Simulation component will only generate the IDF file and the bat file.

In the .bat file, EP8.3 folder is still specified as the place to call Epl-run.bat (see the content of it below).

Can you kindly advise? (I've updated my Honeybee, and the Run Energy Simulation version is 0.0.57 Jul_11_2015).

The .bat file generated:

C:\EnergyPlusV8-3-0\\Epl-run C:\temp\house\house_01_withBlinds_noContext\EnergyPlus\house_01_withBlinds_noContext C:\temp\house\house_01_withBlinds_noContext\EnergyPlus\house_01_withBlinds_noContext idf "C:\EnergyPlusV8-1-0\WeatherData\USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw" EP N nolimit N N 0 Y

... sorry, I just noticed that Mostapha mentioned in his reply that we should have "any version after 8-1-0" to make the auto search EP function of Honeybee work ...


From my understanding of what I see in the Honeybee code, using v 8.1.0 should still work with the current Honeybee (I believe that Mostapha might have been paraphrasing).  It seems that Honeybee should not be writing to 8-3-0 if you have uninstalled it.  How did you uninstall it?  Is there still a EnergyPlusV8-3-0 folder in your C:\ drive?







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