
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Even though I have installed EnergyPlus in my computer, I'm getting que following warning with the Honeybee component :

"3. Honeybee cannot find EnergyPlusV8-1-0 folder on your system.
Make sure you have EnergyPlusV8-1-0 installed on your system.
You won't be able to run energy simulations without EnergyPlus.
A good place to install EnergyPlus is c:\EnergyPlusV8-1-." 

The Energy+ version I have in my computer is 8.5.0 and is in c:\EnergyPlusV8-5-0. I'm guessing the component doesn't recognise the E+ latest version. In that case, should I try to install an older version? Which one? 

Thank you! 

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Hi Ana

I am pretty sure Honeybee now supports all versions of E+.

I notice that you are running a 2015 version of Honeybee. I would update to the most current version from Github.




Thank you for the reply.

So, I used the update Honeybee component and now I'm getting a different message: 

"3. Honeybee cannot find a compatible EnergyPlus folder on your system.
Make sure you have EnergyPlus installed on your system.
You won't be able to run energy simulations without EnergyPlus.
Honeybee supports following versions:
V8-4-0, V8-3-0, V8-2-10, V8-2-9, V8-2-8, V8-2-7, V8-2-6, V8-2-5, V8-2-4, V8-2-3, V8-2-2, V8-2-1, V8-2-0, V8-1-5, V8-1-4, V8-1-3, V8-1-2, V8-1-1, V8-1-0" .

So now it seems like the only version of E+ it doesn't support is V8-5-0. Do I need to uninstall it to set a  V8-4-0 version? 

Or maybe this is still not the latest version of Honeybee? Is there is a different way of updating it? 


Did you download from Github?

That's the most up-to-date. If so then I would install v8-4-0 rather than v8-5-0.







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