algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I am having a problem with the earth tube honeybee component. when I connect the HBZone the component shows an error that says:
1. Solution exception:No se puede encontrar una parte de la ruta de acceso 'C:\Program Files\OpenStudio 1.12.0\share\openstudio\EnergyPlus-8-5-0PreProcess\CalcSoilSurfTemp\exeinputs.txt'.
"A part of the access route can`t be found"
Could somebody please help me. I`ve tried in other computer and the same thing happens. Am I doing something wrong? or is there a problem with the component?.
Would you know of another way to model an earth tube?
Thanks in advance.
Arturo Reyes
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Hi Luis,
Please try the file attached, somehow it looks like a / got left out of the filepath.
Let me know how it goes.
Hello Anton,
I tryied the file you kindly send me. But now it shows a similar error in a diferent path as shown in the picture.
Thank you again.
I don´t know if this helps.
Based on the error I think it's happening because Honeybee finds the EnergyPlus folder under OpenStudio installation on your machine which is a stripped down version of EnergyPlus installation and doesn't have the files that Anton is using for modeling earth-tube.
Hello Mostapha. Thanks for the response. I am sorry but I am not very savvy in this topic. Should I reinstall OpenStudio?. Or what should I do?
I think I'll need to take a closer look at this one can you add me on skype its just my name I'll call you and have a look at whats going on, on your computer
Thank you very much Anton,
I am available at your earliest convenience.
I've the same problem !
"1. Solution exception:Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\OpenStudio 1.14.0\share\openstudio\EnergyPlus-8-6-0PreProcess\CalcSoilSurfTemp\exeinputs.txt'."
Have you found what cause the problem?
Thank you,
Hi Mohammed.
I fixed this recently so you are using an outdated version, until my latest pull request gets merged find a working copy attached here. It will work with the Export to OpenStudio component and Run E+ component
Thank you Anton,
I tried the new file and still have a problem
"1. Solution exception:Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\OpenStudio 1.14.0\share\openstudio\EnergyPlus-8-6 0\PreProcess\CalcSoilSurfTemp\CalcSoilSurfTemp.out'."
This is very strange as it works fine on my machine, do you have skype or gchat?
I'd like to take a look at what is happening add me: ajszilasi at gmail
or antonszilasi skype
Hi Anton:
I added you in Skype. You can call at your convenience.
My email: alshayebm at hotmail
Thank you,
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