
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Currently I am trying to model my space with two shading groups with 2 shading states in each of them. However, the daysim annual simulation would not run possibly due to a bug in the .hea file. 

the following is the shading control part of my .hea file generated from honeybee. I believe the 1 underneath represents the number of the states I input. When I switch both of the "1" within the .hea. The batch files would start the process but there is another bug for the gen_gdp_profile. It was having problem with .oct that it is looking for outside_daysim.rad which is not exist in the tmp within the folder. 

I am still running the gen_dc and I will update it over if I encounter any error after editing the .hea file. 

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The error doesn't seem to have anything with using the states. Daysim fails to create the .oct file. Have you tried to run the file without shading states? Does it work fine?

I tried to run the files without the shading states and it works just fine. 

The following is the error i found when I run the batch files generated from honeybee without any edit.

I see. Can you share your file with me? It shouldn't be hard to fix this. Also is this something that you want to continue to do with Daysim or you can switch to Radiance three-phase if available?

The attached are my files. I have hear heard something from Sarith as well. I believe it would be nice to have three-phase in the future but in the meantime I would prefer to stay with Daysim since my thesis project is due within a month.

My files are too large, the above is the link to my files

Thanks. By files I actually meant the daysim folder! I'm downloading your files and will give it a try but if you can share the Daysim folder that would be easier to debug.

Here is the manual fix:

I will fix it in the code soon but this can help you go forward with Daysim files itself. I'm not sure how results reader would work in this case. Not sure if I have ever used them with 2 shading groups.

Thank you, it is working just fine now. But when daysim is calculating the dgp, i am still getting error from the octree (not all of the time but some). Is this normal?

I would say it's not fine. You can check the source code and see why is it happening. I'm personally very careful in using Daysim's annual glare analysis as I have seen the results are very different from the point in time analysis.

I couldnt reply on your latest one. Since my simulation is still running, I could not really go in depth to check it but I still see the  outside_daysim.rad in the .oct file. Is this supposed to be there. 

If it is unreliable, I would look into a different method to perform an annual glare analysis. 

I agree with Mostapha. The Daysim glare calcs are not very reliable. Since vertical measurements are one of the variables in those calculations, the Daysim sky-model is not very reliable for it. You will be better off iterating through point-in-time calcs instead of relying on Daysim.

On the error front, I remember Paige having somewhat of a similar issue with her calcs last year.






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