
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there!

We are working on a university project about lighting design and daylighting evaluation for an office building located in Trento (Italy).

We are currently performing a daylight analysis and calculating the daylight factor and everything works when we consider only the geometry of the building itself.

One of the tasks that we want to furhter implement is the insertion of the surrounding environment (the office is located near a mountain area).

We modeled the mountain using the geo-location function of Sketchup, imported the geometry into Rhino and created the surface.

Then we added the mountain to grasshopper throug a brep, but then it is no longer able to run the simulation.

Isn't Grasshopper able to handle such complex surfaces? Or are we doing something wrong?

You can find the gh file we used attached to this message.

Thank you in advance!

Views: 1149


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@ Abraham: thank you for pointing to the component!

@ Giacomo,

I was just curios to see this terrain shading mask working because, for future projects, it would be easier and faster to use.

If it is not working, then this can be a limitation of Honeybee, not the Terrain shading mask component.
You can authenticate the mask shape by using the Udeuschle panorama generator (I used the following Trento coordinates: lat:46.066667, long:11.116667):

Sketchup has a similar plugin for Trynsys3D terrain shading masks.

I gave a reply on your upper questions in here, in component's release topic, so that it would be useful for others users too.

Actually I tried also to create the mask of the mountain using the topography I imported from Sketchup and the Ladybug Shading Mask II component. In this way the shading effect is well noticeable, but the process of creating the mask from such a complex geometry is very slow.

I can make a component which will automatically generate the topography of the local terrain, for a given latitude/longitude, but you will have to wait some time. I am currently doing some repairing around my house and cottage, and I do not have any spare time.
Have in mind that depending on the configuration of you PC, you may not be able to have the terrain radius of up to 100 km. While Terrain Shading Mask component actually creates this terrain, it does not add it to the grasshopper document. In your case the terrain will be added to the grasshopper document which may crash Rhino depending on your PC configuration (for example it crashes Rhino on my PC).






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