
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey there,

i am using karamba for a structural analysis of large span light weight structure with hollow steel beams. everything works fine. my problem lies within the interpretation of structural data. i want to find the beam (out of thousands) which receives the highest amount of N, M, V. The Res-S-Force Component does that. But it looses the IDs of the beams and changes the order too. Or is there another way for finding that specific beam?


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hey kriti,

there are certain logics that could destroy your list order.

but an easy way of getting back your axes after analysis (doesnt matter what you did before) is to 'disassemble model', where the list order of your axes 100% corresponds to the res-s-force order.

maybe post a screen of your previous definition so we could se what messes up the list (which normally doesnt happen, i used it a thousand times).


First of all thanks for the very fast reply.

Well, i named the beams (as shown in the attached jpg.) n-rect & n-round depending on the profil they have. when they run through the analysis component from where i plugged the Res-S-Component into the loose their ID. What I do next is I order the Res-S- Output to get the Beam with the highest and the lowest stresses. Now the value on position 0 has changed but the ID 0 remains. Do I have to rename it in VB or offers Karamba any alternative.

I am not sure If I explained it correctly or if the problem i have is ad absurdum.

Thanks for your time



i guess what you are missing is the 'sort synchronously' function of the sortList-component.

there you have to plug in the list of beams/beamAxes to get the element with the highest/lowest section force.

see screenshot.

best robert

Great Thanks,

lack of basic sorting knowledge. sorry I am relatively new to GH.

this was very helpful!






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