
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to take a look on any of the stresses in my shell model but when I try to do so the ShellView turns out red and doesn't generate any result. It doesn't work with the displacement results either. As far as I can see, only when I click on the cross-section render option the box doesn't go red and a rendered version of the shell appears in Rhino. 

I'm on the trial version of Karamba and limited my mesh to 42 elements. Does anyone can help me? See the attachment.



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hey rafael,

do you run the latest karamba version?

i can at least display the displacements.

but basically your mesh does not have coinciding nodes - you have to join your surfaces before to get a brep that you then mesh - so the vertices coincide then on the edges..


I run the 1.0.2 version which I think is the latest one. 

I followed your recomendation and just after I got the edge surface rotated I brep-joined it. Then I meshed it and finally merged the identical vertices from the mesh.

The model looks fine, however since I'm on the trial version I can't assemble the model in karamba due to shell elements restriction -it turned into 156 shells-. Could you please check for me if the definition is now running correctly? Thanks in advance.


good, i can check it tomorrow. the bug with shell view is known i found out today and is fixed in the latest version (which is already or will be uploaded tomorrow)..


hey robert, I followed a different path this afternoon and the definition seems to work.

First I meshed my three untrimmed surfaces, then transformed the three meshes into one with the MeshJoint component and finally merged the identical vertices.

I assembled the model normally in Karamba, analyzed it but plugged the analyzed model directly into the ShellView box and it displays all the results with colors as I think it should be. However, when I plug the analyzed model into ModelView and then into ShellView nothing happens. 

I'm attaching the current definition and looking forward to downloading karamba's latest version. Thanks!







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