
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I want to know how to make a program and analysis the structure of shell waffle welding with the steel plate.

I want to create the load for the steel plate(6 mm thickness) welding with the steel plate to check the displacement of the waffle structure.

I means the waffle structure and 6mm steel plate are Welded together. They become the overall structure, and I give the strong power to the overall structure to check the displacement. As it is shown in the image, the green plate is the steel plate, the yellow is the waffle structure. The overall structure is the waffle structure and steel plate are Welded together. 

I uploaded the schematic diagram and part of the program. 

How to analysis? Could you help me finish the program?

Thank you very much.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hello Qisong,

I will answer here to avoid over posting in the comments section.

See attached a example file of what you can do. Basicaly you need to fit the steel plate with the upper part of the waffle for a correct analysis, the way I see to solve this is to also model the waffle as a shell element, as with beam elements the plate will be set up as it is in the middle of the waffle.

Hope this is helpfull,



Dear Márcio:

You are very friendly.

You are so smart.

You help me solved the problem.

it is my pleasure to meet you.

Thank you very much.

Dear Márcio:

I'm sorry to disturb you again. When I edit your file,I find one problem. Why I change the V count bigger, the displacement is become larger. It's right? What's the problem about the program? I uploaded the schematic diagram and the program. 

How to modify that? I wish you can help me solve the problem again.

Thank you very much.


Dear ma qingsong,

the shell mesh in the above example is very corse. In the upper image there are three rows of points where the meshload gets distributed to. This means that roughly half of the load goes directly to the supports. In the second image there are four rows of points so only one third of the meshload goes directly to the supports. Increase the mesh resolution until the maximum displacement stays constant.

You can add the ribs by combining the plate with eccentric beam elements (see manual). Make sure that the vertices of the mesh are the enpoints of little beam segments to ensure a proper connection between the two.



Dear Clemens:

I can not understand the meaning of you said. (You can add the ribs by combining the plate with eccentric beam elements (see manual). Make sure that the vertices of the mesh are the enpoints of little beam segments to ensure a proper connection between the two.)

When I change the V count bigger (increase the number of ribs), the displacement should be becomes smaller. But the result is not. So the program is wrong? Could you give me an example file or modify the file that I uploaded?

Thank you very much.

Dear Ma Qingsong,

As mentioned in the emails, your issue refers to a geometrical issue. When you increase your V count the mesh also changes and you can see the different distribution of the loads. When you have a low V count your plate has a very low resolution and when you increase the V count, the mesh resolution increases. To avoid this issue, you have to make sure that you produce a mesh that is consistent even when you change the number of ribs.

Please see the file, where you keep the mesh resolution small so it doesnt change much when you add the ribs.

Clemens mentions that you can also use beams to define the ribs instead of using meshes. Please look at the manual to see how to define beams and their eccentricities.



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