
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dividing the truss member into compressional, tensional and null members?

I am using a method made by Jacek Jaskólski to "divide" my space truss members into compressional, tensional, and null members.
But for some reason, all I get are null members.

I want my space frame to have pinned joints among the members, and I want all of my members to be made of solid (not hollow) circular cross-sections.

Can you please take a look at the definition, and see, where am I wrong?

Thank you.

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Thank you Robert.

So this basically means that if all the beams were specified to a certain ID or IDs (in this case "id-1"), and if none of them is left behind (non-specified) than the default material will be neglected, and only custom made material will be used?

Here is what Disassemble component output shows:


yes :)

to make sure you could plug 'id-1' into the 'id' entrance plug of 'modelview'. only the elements with the respective id are shown then

Nothing changed when I plugged in the "id-1" into "id" input plug of "Modelview".

So I guess that means that all of the beams are "id-1", and as I also assigned "id-1" in my MaterialProperties component, that proves that all of my beams were "made" of my custom made material.

Thank you Robert!

I owe you a beer for all of this!!!






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