
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


So i have a 40-storey, concrete structure containing of Slabs (shells) and Columns (beams). I wanted to optimize it to find smallest sections that meet displacement requirements. The problem is that i have 3 load cases that form two "groups". First would be gravity + living load (for z displacements) and second - wind load (x displacement). Maximum displacement for first group would be 1/250*span of beams/shells, and max for wind load would be 1/750*structure height. It means that slabs and beams could be displaced by around 0,03m in z direction, while whole structures max displacement (by wind pressure) could be as big as 0,21m.

My problem is that Karamba's cross section optimization component allows to define only max. displacement for all load cases. If I set max. displacement around 0.03m i assume that colums would be huge to compensate for wind load. On the other hand setting max. displacement to 0.21m would result in too small slab sections.

How would you approach such problem? Is it possible to somehow dispatch this into 2 and find a solution that meets both requirements at the same time?

I attached my definition, although i didn't implement optimization component yet, it could be helpful to understand what i mean.

Thank you for your time and help.

Views: 275


Replies to This Discussion

Hello Wujo,

you could try to optimize the structure in two steps: first the slabs only, then the structure as a whole where the slabs are excluded.

Best regards,







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