
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Kangaroo2 additional examples

The download of the new version from Food4Rhino comes with several example files, but I will be posting additional ones here.

Collision between line segments

An example of volume driven buckling, as shown here

Simple tensile relaxation of a Voronoi mesh, in response to this

07/04/15 all files below updated for version 2.01

This is the file shown in this video:

It demonstrates the use of plastic anchors for sculpting

The file shown in this video:

Another scripting example, showing automatic relaxation of a mesh with fixed boundaries.

Showing volume preservation and collision between points and solids

Packing circles on a surface

Planar hexagonal panels on a surface, as shown here

Create a mesh where incircles between adjacent triangles are tangent. This can be used to generate a compact circle packing. See publications here for more info on the use of such meshes.

A simple script using the library to apply some goals and iterate only when a button is pushed.


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Comment by Berkhan Eminsoy on March 12, 2018 at 2:46pm

Link to TangentInCircles example publications broken. I'm curious because I want to implement this for a closed curve rather than a rectangle is that possible?

Comment by Daniel Piker on May 14, 2017 at 10:39am

Hi Grazia, thanks for pointing this out. I've fixed the error in the Volume_and_SolidPtCollide file now, and updated the link above.

Comment by Grazia Pota on May 11, 2017 at 4:20am

Hi Daniel,

when I open "Volume and SolidPtCollide" file, I visualize this messageIn fact it doesn't work because when I move the box it moves forward normally as if the ball was not there and the ball doesn't change in any way. I have the last version of kangaroo, 2.3.0. and kangaroo 0.099.

Do you know why it doesn't work and how to make it work?

Comment by Andrei Smolik on January 15, 2016 at 9:27pm

Hi Daniel,

I could not get the to work. I set the assembly reference for the C# to KangarooSolver dll but it didn't seem to do anything. 

Comment by Daniel Piker on April 14, 2015 at 3:20am

Hi Sean, I just updated above with another example

Comment by Sean Jones on April 14, 2015 at 1:56am

hi Daniel,

I am excited to be playing with Grasshopper 2. Great work! 

Quick question, would you be able to provide a small example showing the use of the tangentInCircles component? 


Comment by Daniel Piker on April 7, 2015 at 7:48am

Just added a couple of new examples above, and updated the existing ones





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