
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Im trying to simulate the experiment of Frei Otto, the wooly paths, using kangaroo, I have specific point that form lines with each other so that I can use those lines to start the simulation. My first inconvenient was that I cant input lines that start or end in the same point because the plaw doesnt accept it, after I separated the lines to work with different power law and the send it to the force objects of kangaroo I started the simulation but the lines aren´t working as the example daniel gave of the wooly paths, I tried changing the number of segments so that the lines would be more curve-like but it seems that at some point the system stops working correctly, also I tried changing the exponents input in the plaw component but I still have the same problem, could somebody help me with this?? I Attach the Rhino file, the grasshopper file and an image of what I start with and what I get.

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