
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

just tried to put a woolly path or threads definition together in kangaroo 2 without a pleasing result. Does maybe anybody tweaked something out int hat direction. I'm missing a attraction/repulsion goal. Is there another goal that can replace it?

Best, Chris

Views: 3153

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Hi Christian,

Here's a quick go at this. I scripted up a custom goal for the attraction that does some sorting first to speed things up.

Another improvement might be to make the attraction work between the line segments instead of just the points, to allow them to slide along each other.


thank you! great solution!

Hi Daniel,

I've downloaded the grasshopper file but unfortunately I'm getting some errors appear. 

Firstly i get a warning message about the script and secondly it appears some components are missing when I open the file.

Any chance you could help me out or send me a print screen of what its meant to look like! 

Thank you.

Sorry very new to grasshopper

1. You have to press 3 dots.

2. Go to your grasshopper libraries folder.

3. Find KangarooSolver.dll

4. Press ok.

Very nice goal






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