
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have just started using the EqualLength goal, and find it is not exactly behaving the way I anticipated.

So far I find only lines forming part of the same polyline will be equalized, which is not the way I understand it should work, e.g. based on the example given in the Kangaroo 2.01 release notes: "Applying one EqualLength goal for the 4 sides of a
quad, and another for its 2 diagonals (...)" - in this instance the 2 diagonals at least, being disjoint, cannot form part of a polyline.

Whilst this is generally not a problem for what I am trying to do - the sets of lines which I am trying to make equal length can mostly be joined into one polyline - in some cases it would be desirable to apply this goal to disjoint lines.


Can anyone tell me how to proceed?

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Hi Eric,
The equal length component does work on disjoint lines -indeed polylines need to be exploded first if you want to equalise their segments.
I'm guessing the problem is caused by the tree structure of your input- the lines to be made equal should be in a list, and it won't work if they are on separate branches.

Hi Daniel,

That makes sense, many thanks.





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