
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Often when I'm trying create some model, i want to have rigid elements. But when i use very high stiffness springs (over 1e7 for example) model collapses. I've tried using small time steps an so on but it doesn't work. Is there a way to create very rigid frames without using springs or bend resistance (also doesn't work)? If not, will there be in the future?


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Hi Danijel,


It should be possible to simulate spring stiffnesses even over 1e7 if you make the timestep small enough.

(I'd suggest something like 2e-4). Of course smaller timestep means slower simulation. You can increase subiterations (to say 60) to counteract this a bit.


And yes, I am hard at work on some new techniques aiming to improve things so that significantly stiffer springs will be possible in Kangaroo while still keeping a reasonable simulation speed.





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