algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hello, this is my first attempt to recreate an origami folding structure with kangaroo
red parts indicate stress distortion of the paper...
The evaluation method of the stress distortion is based on the difference between the initial area (the one of the input flat mesh) and the kangaroo's mesh output,
The average area of each face of the mesh is 100 square mm
and the differences between the initial area and final area are from 1 to -1 square mm
Any idea for a different methods for recreate a rigid origami ?
Hello Riccardo,
Thank you for posting this very nice example.
I really like how you've made use of the pull to surface function.
One thing I was a bit confused by though was the bending with negative stiffness. I found it gave much better results when I removed this bending force altogether (preserving areas to within 0.00005% if given time to settle).
One of the new forces I'm working on would allow you to apply the folding force directly to the faces connected to each edge as a rotation, which should hopefully help a lot with the stability of the actual movement, compared to actuating the folding from a single point as one generally has to do now.
Hello Daniel,
Now that I removed the bending forces the error goes down to 2.8345e-5 that i guess is almost nothing... good advice... thanks ;)
I Can't wait to use the new forces!!
Hi Riccardo and Daniel,
I've been experimenting with paper folding with Kangaroo for the past few weeks and I've been having a great deal of trouble. I tried downloading this definition to learn from, and I noticed it demonstrated some of the same behavior I've been struggling with. When I launch the Kangaroo definition, the geometry starts to close on itself as expected, but it only changes shape in the X and Y axes - there's no three-dimensional deformation and the model remains planar. Is this a display problem or some larger issue with how the definition was transferred? What is the major controlling condition that allows the geometry to fold from 2D to 3D? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
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