
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Daniel,

in following ‘hanging model’ case, I create 2 springs array, one is pretty normal and the other one I simply just add continue lines in both direction.

As you can see that the 2 results are quite differently. One is a purely catenary form and the other one is more like shell structure.

Since discretization is the first step we usually do, I was wondering the how the Length(Line) react when we assign some ‘non-discretized’ springs onto a discretized mesh?



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Hi Jon,

This is because when you shift the list of points, you have 'wrap' set to true.

This is resulting in an extra spring connecting every point along the edge to the point on the opposite edge, which is why you are getting a different shape for this version.

ah, thx! I just check it again and saw this phenomenon when I turn the solver on...seems it was a misunderstand.





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