
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I’m trying to investigate some properties of minimal surfaces with Kangaroo. I’ve used a mesh relaxation method which uses springs in mesh edges (attached). First question, has the stiffness value to be close to 0 to better simulate soap films? Anyway, for different values of stiffness I obtain a different minimal surface, is it right?

In the attached image there are two different relaxed meshes one with circular border (red) and the other with quad borders (blue). I see that they have continuity problems near the holes, this because the bad quality of the initial mesh? Is there any solution to have clean and quad circular mesh (for example starting from a quadrilateral border in which each node is arranged respect one central point)?

Finally, I was thinking to analyze the mean curvature of the final result (to see if it is a minimal surface) by transforming it in a NURBS polysurface using T-spline: do you think this can have any sense?

Thanks in advance for all your suggestions and comments,


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Replies to This Discussion

Unifying and rebuilding mesh normals in Rhino should get rid of the display continuity issues.
The stiffness value does not need to be near zero to approximate soap film geometry, and I think provided it is not either extremely low or high, varying it should give the same end result, just it will take a different number of iterations to get there.
and yes, transforming it using T-Splines should work.





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