
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Daniel, hi kangaroos,

What I've been trying to create is a wheel-bar linkage (see image), so I studied some examples, read the KangarooReleaseNotes again, and watched Daniel's "Assembly simulation setup" . I figured I knew what I needed to get my definition working.

My goal is to rotate the wheel via the gumbal, and the bar should follow. So I put together a definition to try to get that working... but I can't seem get it right.

I've added two attempts in the attached definition. The first kind of works, but it somehow makes the wheel spin automagicly (I don't know why), and it does so in a wobbly fashion (though I anchored two points on the axis). Of coarse I tried to fix that by pulling 3 points on the wheel to a plane, but that doesn't have the wanted effect (motion stops, and the bar doesn't follow the wheel when I turn it "by hand".

I'm at a total loss here. This is just the beginning of a larger mechanical system, but since I'm failing at step 1, I'm asking kindly for some help.

Kind regards,
Pieter Segeren

Views: 2051


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Hi Pieter,

Try this definition.

When selecting inputs for the Points input of a rigid body, it helps if they are not too close to its centre of mass.


Wow, THAT concise...

the longer axes are the solution, no more wobbling geometry here:) Great!
Thank you so much Daniel!





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