
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Kangaroo Box Collide + Curved Surface Distribution troubleshooting

Hi everyone,

I recently started using Kangaroo and have been trying to distribute points with associated boxes across a surface. I've managed to distribute the points without too much trouble, however I now want to make sure none of the boxes intersect.

I've tried the box collide function using Daniel Piker's demo file as a base, but haven't been able to get it to work with along with the springs and PullToSurf forces for the equal distribution - I think it might be a data tree issue.

I've also tried to use springs to keep the boxes separated, however as my boxes are different in all 3 dimensions I would need to use multiple points to achieve a useful result - another area I run into trouble, as I need to keep the boxes oriented to the xy plane but the distribution causes them to twist and tumble in all directions.

My main goal is to avoid intersecting boxes once the distribution settles, so I'm looking for advice on how to solve one or both of my problems, or suggestions of a better way to achieve this. I've attached my grasshopper file with what I think is the closest I've been, as well as some other forces set up which I can't get to work. 

Thanks in advance,


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