
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I understand the show component in k2 is meant to associate geometry with the particles that are being influenced. However how would you typically go about when you want to move a circle along with a moving point?

The show component turns red when I try to connect the circle to it.

My guess is that it needs to be connected to the midpoint, so I need to connect midpoint with the circle through an edge of some sorts?

The reason for why I want this is because the circle is a goal of the onCurve sort, but it needs to be able to move as well (basically just follow along with it's midpoint).

Following the examples, I see that usually circles are created afterwards based on points, but considering I need the circles to act as well, that would not work so well. But maybe I'm trying to do something that is impossible in kangaroo.

Views: 438




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