
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all, I am a beginner at Grasshopper and Kangaroo...Can anyone point me to the right direction how to re-create a dream catcher where each line is bend/pulled by the next one. So all lines end up bend and being pulled towards the middle. 
I would like to show it in stages. So first stage showing the polygon of lines and then showing them bend, then the next layer of lines connected to the centre of these lines so new anchor points are the centres of previous lines. I hope it makes sense. I am sure the images will explain it better! Have you got any tips, suggestions on what components to use? Thanks!

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interesting :-)

First attempt with a loop component from anemone. 

Basically I divided a circle ten times, then created a polyline. This is where the loop starts. 

The polyline is exploded into segments and a point is created at each mid-point.

These points create the next polyline. Repeat this a few times...

I used kangaroo 0.99 and I think with the newer version you might also be able to work with a growing list of springs. Need to try. 


Thank you so much Martin! I will try it out and play with it tomorrow at uni. Sadly, I can't use 

anemone on Explicit History and I only have a Mac atm. Anyway this is really helpful! Can't wait to try it :). 

Here's a second file with kangaroo 2. 

You can choose the number of repetitions. 

You can also create the input curves manually and I'm sure someone else will have a good idea too. 


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help :).

Gosh, trigonometry!!! Took me ages to figure out...

Check this, no more looping...


This is genius! Thanks a lot!!! Can't stop playing with this ;-)

How did it go? Managed to get kangaroo running?

Managed to get it all running. It is exactly what I needed. I will now try to apply this script and experiment with it in 3D. Thank you so much for your help!

Hi Martin, I am playing around with my dream catcher. This time in 3d. I am trying to push out the centre of the catcher so it looks kind of like a bowl but again with the lines behaving like a thread. I have tried a number of things but none of them really work. Have you got any idea where to start?  


Hey, try this....

For the polyline issue, you need to set the C (Closed) input to true. Hover the mouse over the input. A message shows up. 

Apparently your inside edge isn't planar. I don't know how you set your anchors.... 






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