
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm new to Kangaroo so am trying to teach myself how it works using definition examples that kind people have provided. 


However whenever i open one of these files i get the error warning (see attached).


Is this because im using a newer version of Kangaroo and the files im opening were written on earlier versions?


Any Help would be greatly recieved.



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Starting to learn Kangaroo on my own, I've downloaded your definition for the Catenary. Opened the definition, seems to me I'm missing the force input for the UForce to make it work: is it an integer value of a vector?


I'm doing an architectural project for school and trying to create tensile structures.

Could you help in sharing a demo file for something like what you did here? A kangaroo file with mixed elements such as struts, tension cables and a membrane.

Thank you!

I have just tried it out and, yeah, it is possible.


But it happens that there is an archord point that does nothing, one of the two nearer points at right as you open the file.


Can it be fixed?






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