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Etsy is a popular platform for buying and selling unique handmade goods, vintage items and creative materials. However, as with any online environment, scammers can be found on Etsy. One of the most common types of scams is counterfeit goods or selling items that don't exist. So how can you protect yourself from getting scammed on Etsy? First, always check the seller's reviews to make sure they are trustworthy. Second, be wary of overly tempting offers that seem too good to be true. But how else can you effectively avoid fraud on the platform and secure your purchases?
Every day I encounter fraud on Etsy. There was a case when I ordered rare jewelry, but received a cheap fake. The seller did not respond to my complaints, and Etsy offered only a partial refund. Now I always check the reviews on the website and the seller's history, never buy from those who have too few positive reviews or strange comments. Safety is more important than saved money.
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