
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here is a definition used to replicate the photo "Octahedral lattice sphere" also to answer to

Here is another way of doing on a sphere. I use panelling on a quad mesh sphere. See also :

Above renderings of lattices

Left : done with BREP/surface using YANG (Yet Another Node Generator)

Right : mesh from Intralattice

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Hey Laurent,

That's some impressive reverse engineering, that's exactly how the sphere was made!

I didn't realize there was a reddit thread about this. The meshing is still the main issue that keeps coming up. You have to be really diligent about avoiding overlaps - having the mesh explode on you. We'll be improving meshing and solidification significantly over the course of the summer. For now, another solution that wasn't mentioned is to use the HeterogenGradient component and use a spherical or cylindrical gradient option, to reduce the thickness of the struts as they approach the center.


Awesome work!  Would you share the STL so I can print this?  (I don't have rhino, but think this is amazing!)


Can you please provide a definition to replicate the solid border that is wrapped both on the inside and the outside of the cylindrical lattice in this picture?






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