
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process exports basic geometric properties and parameter data to CSV text files which is used to describe many aspects of the Revit BIM geometry. In Revit this data is easily imported using the Whitefeet Modelbuilder tool (included).

Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


Location: San Francisco
Members: 155
Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2016

Discussion Forum

Exportin Data with HummingBird

Hello There,Is ti possible to export data to Revit through HummingBird.I have this panels in GH that are all taged with a color code. I need this to be exported to Revit in order to create a…Continue

Started by Claudio Jan 7, 2016.

Item ID in HummingBird CSV viewer

Hi every one,I've noticed that HmmingBird CSV files view it with the CSV viewer, sometimes shows  Item ID's and sometimes does not. Is this an bug or is something I'm doing right. I'm creating panels…Continue

Started by Claudio Jan 7, 2016.

doors import problem 2 Replies

I just can't import doors into Revit 2015. I have ~700 doors that I want to add to Revit walls. Walls imported fine, but when importing doors, it just creates nothing. I have tried latest December…Continue

Started by Atis Sedlenieks. Last reply by Atis Sedlenieks Jan 7, 2016.

Units in Rhino vs Revit Through Hummingbird 2 Replies

Hi guys,Just arrived  into Hummingbird, I'm exporting from rhino trhough GH a series of 3points adaptive components structured into a tree structure.Everything seams to work fine but, the units are…Continue

Started by Claudio. Last reply by Claudio Jan 7, 2016.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Mario Guttman on September 3, 2016 at 3:22pm

I just posted a 2017 version to the site.  Also available at

Comment by Atis Sedlenieks on January 6, 2016 at 6:23am

I just can't import doors into Revit 2015. I have ~700 doors that I want to add to Revit walls. Walls imported fine, but when importing doors, it just creates nothing. I have tried latest December version with no results. Family like table imports fine in same places where doors should be.

Comment by Mario Guttman on December 14, 2015 at 3:26pm

I just posted a 2016 version to the site.  Also available at 

Comment by Rasmus Holst on December 15, 2014 at 7:36am


Are you guys gonna make an installer for Revit 2015 anytime soon? :)

Thanks Rasmus

Comment by Darren Chang on September 11, 2013 at 11:50am

Hi, after I updated, the Hummingbird components in my GH have the following error: 1. Solution exception:Could not load type 'WhiteFeet.HummingbirdUtility.CsvWriter' from assembly 'WhiteFeet.HummingbirdUtility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null".

My GH is up-to-date version 9.00056. All the components are unblocked. My previous version of Hummingbird worked just fine.

Does anyone know what I did wrong?

Comment by Carrey on April 23, 2013 at 9:15pm

How should i change the default unit feet to meter or millimetter?

Comment by Advait on April 16, 2013 at 3:45am

hi, I am unable to download hummingbird from link given above can anyone provide me the software?

Comment by Darren Chang on March 8, 2013 at 2:25pm

I'm trying to convert a curve from Rhino to REVIT using the Lines Component. It gave me an error message like below in REVIT. Does a curve must be in a horizontal plane in order to be converted using Hummingbird? I also tried to convert the subdividing points of the curve as Ref Points, but the error message first told me it must be in a Family Editor, and then told me it can't be converted in the given context, while I was in Family Editor. This is also very confusing.

Comment by first1 on February 27, 2013 at 6:37pm

Hey Darren Chang ,all the model data divide by 304.8 ,it can convert FEET to MILLIMETTER.

Comment by Tim Meador on February 27, 2013 at 3:11pm

Hi Darren,

Unfortunately the Revit api is based on feet so we are stuck doing everything in imperial units.


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