
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Welcome to Human for Grasshopper!

Because humans are animals too!

Any similarity to my own name is, of course, a pure coincidence.

What does it do?

There are two sets of components with different functions:


Extends Grasshopper's ability to create and reference geometry including lights, blocks, and text objects. Also enables access to information about the active Rhino document, pertaining to materials, layers, linetypes, and other settings. 

Includes the following components:

(Those in bold are new components with this release.)

  • Object Creation
    • Bake Geometry with Attributes
    • Create Hatches
    • Create Justified 3d Text
    • Create Lights
    • Define Block
    • Place Blocks
    • Create Object Attributes
  • Display
    • Custom Display with Variable Lineweights
    • Custom Display with Bitmap Textures
    • Render Text to Screen
    • Render Mesh to Screen
    • Render Curve to Screen
    • Render Point to Screen
    • Screen-Oriented Text
    • Screen-Oriented Mesh
  • Document Information
    • Font Table
    • Material Table
    • Layer Table
    • Hatch Pattern Table
    • Linetype Table
  • Document Modifications
    • Create/Modify Layers
    • Create/Modify Materials
  • Miscellaneous
    • Document Units
    • Directory Contents
    • Delete Objects on Layer
    • Dynamic Item Selector
  • ​Reference
    • Dynamic Geometry Pipeline
    • Explode Hatches
    • Explode Blocks
    • Explode Blocks Recursively
    • Get Object Attributes
    • Light Properties
    • Sort Objects by Type
    • Text Object Info
    • Get Objects by Selection
    • Get Objects by Layer
  • Texture Mapping
    • Planar Mapping
    • Box Mapping
    • Spherical Mapping
    • Surface Mapping
    • Cylindrical Mapping
    • Custom Texture Mapping


This add-on includes a set of components to aid in the advanced manipulation of data tree structures.

Includes the following components:

  • Assign Paths 
  • Graft by Data
  • Match Paths (this is pretty much the same as GH's native "Unflatten" - but it came first so I'm leaving it in :D )
  • Path Description
See the images and reference files for a detailed explanation of the function of these components. 

I'd also like to acknowledge the creators of Horster Reference, the first Grasshopper add-on to expose advanced reference functionality. These components definitely build on the work they have done, although they take a slightly different approach.

To install:

  • In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Make sure you delete all earlier versions of HDTReference.gha, TreeFrog.gha, and Human.gha if there are any. Save the gha file to that directory.
  • Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
  • Restart Rhino and Grasshopper


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Latest Activity: Apr 27

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New version of Human for download 51 Replies

It's been more than a year since the last release of Human - so I'm excited to share with you the latest version, packed chock-full of new functionality. See the release notes for details on the new features. A few of my favorites:Ability to define…Continue

Started by Andrew Heumann. Last reply by Nick Tyrer Jan 26, 2016.

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Comment by jayant khanuja on July 22, 2016 at 4:38pm

Hi Andrew.

Great plugin.

I am working on an animation and using create light component, but once it gets baked the intensity of baked light in rhino does not change.

Any suggestion will be really helpful.


Comment by Stefano Corciolani on July 22, 2016 at 9:46am

Thanks Andrew! I was following a completely wrong path.

I will practice more just to understand, but your components work like a charm!


Comment by Andrew Heumann on July 22, 2016 at 8:19am

Hi Stefano - 

Grasshopper curves do not have an intrinsic "line width" property. When I draw lines with my custom preview component, I am overriding the DrawViewportWires method and calling args.Display.DrawCurve with the optional thickness argument. 

Hopefully the above script will get you started. 

Comment by Stefano Corciolani on July 22, 2016 at 7:47am

Hi Andrew! First of all thanks for your work, it is exactly what I needed! Great job!

My problem was to change line display thickness in rhino viewport. I enabled "PrintDisplay" and I wrote a tiny VB script component referencing the object and changing its linewidth but, of course, I got it changed directly in the Rhino model, not in an output copy from GH.

I know that it is a newbie question, but may I ask you what is your approach in this case?


Comment by Martin J on June 29, 2016 at 4:58am

Hi Andrew,

That is great! Thank you very much. I have done some quick testing, seems to be working fine.

About the drifting problem, this is slightly annoying, but can try the toggle command.

Many thanks!

Comment by Andrew Heumann on June 27, 2016 at 6:58am

Hey Martin - added camera up to viewport properties and modify viewport components. See if this works for you! 


Comment by Andrew Heumann on June 22, 2016 at 11:52am

Hi Martin - 

You're correct that Modify Viewport lacks "Camera Up." Personally I've never seen the use of this setting, but I'd be open to adding it to the viewport components if it would be of use to you.

The distance hop you notice is a Rhino thing, definitely. No idea why it does that... Strangely, if you use a different mechanism to switch between perspective and parallel, it doesn't happen. I have an alias set up to the following command: 

'_-ViewportProperties _Projection _Toggle _Enter

This will let you quickly switch between perspective and parallel without any "hopping." Hope that helps.

Comment by Martin J on June 21, 2016 at 11:06am

I am really pleased to see the new version! It is great to see you have included the Viewport properties. I have two comments:
1. The "modify viewport" is missing a camera up setting.
2. When the viewport is switched to parallel(orthographic) view, the CPlane and Camera position will drift in the background. When you then switch back to projection view, the camera will be far from the target. It also seem to drift more if the updating is more rapid. Is it a Rhino bug? I do not think it's specific to the Human plugin. Video:

Is there anything to do with this?

Comment by Andrew Heumann on February 5, 2016 at 2:23pm

Hi Bomin Kim - 
without your excel document or the plug-in you used to read excel, the document you've attached doesn't help me help you very much. However, there are two basic ways to think about lineweights using Human:

1. Line thickness in Grasshopper Display. For this, use the "Custom Preview Lineweights" component, and supply the lineweights you want and the curves/lines you want to display. It has two modes - Relative (the default) where the supplied number is a pixel width, regardless of zoom, and Absolute, where the supplied number is provided in the units of your document, so that a line will always display as "20 cm" thick and scale with your zoom.

2. Line thickness in Rhino object Attributes. For this, use "Create Attributes" and supply your desired lineweight to the "plot width" input - then feed both these created attributes and your geometry to a "Bake" component. This will bake your geometry to the Rhino doc with the proper plotweight - which will show when you print, or if you enable "PrintDisplay" in the rhino command line.

Hope this helps - if not please supply a little more information so I can get closer to the problem at hand.

Comment by Bomin Kim on February 5, 2016 at 11:54am

I have a excel number set that i'd like help assigning relative line thickness to at different directions. For example, at 10 north would be thicker than 5 East, 3 South, 7 West, etc. I took the spreadsheet reader to extrapolate the data, then sort and partitioned to make a relative range of data. From there, I was looking to assign line thickness and typology and a direction, but I'm a little stuck. Any help would be appreciated.


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