
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Trouble getting points and meshes to appear in Rhino screen - bug?


I really like your components but I'm having trouble getting your display-on-screen components to work (curves, points and meshes). Usually the component work fine, but every once in a while some objects do not appear. When I try to adjust the depth input (D) objects in my rhino screen will begin clipping. The clipping depth increases no matter which way I adjust the D setting. Once this begins I have to restart Rhino for it to go away. Other rhino views begin to have strange clipping issues a well, both for GH produced geometry and native Rhino geometry.


This tends to happen when I mess with the components that aren't working as expected and seems to occur only when I have multiple display-on-screen components running. Have you run into this issue before?


Thanks for your help,



Views: 243




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