
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Andrew ( and all )

I have to admit that I'm not a real GH user ... and I'm trying ( again ... ) to find a way to use GH in my work.

I organize thing in Rhino by layers and I'm thinking about using GH to be able to 'rebuild' layers (I mean the objects in the layers) automatically starting from objects on other layers.

Then I need to get the objects contained in a particular layer.

( That is, in Rhino scripting  ObjectsByLayer() )

Is there a way in Human to do that ? ( I was not able to find it ... but again, I have very little experience with GH ...)

If that is not possible, please consider it a wish, I think it could 'belong' happily to the Human tool set ;)

( Ah ... OK, and sorry to fire a wish right after a new release ... ehm ...)

Now I'm using a GH script for that (no problem), but I thought to mention it anyway ...

Finally and obviously ... thanks a lot for this _great_ GH AddOn ! :)


Views: 2531

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I think what you want is the "dynamic pipeline" component - you can specify the layer you want to get objects from (and the type of object you want, or "any") and it will automatically get those objects.

Thanks Andrew.

... I've just discovered DPipeline ... works perfectly.

Thanks again






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