
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey All -

I'm excited to announce a new Human update with a boatload of new features and functionality. 

Here's the detailed change log for this release:

  • Added Directory Contents component
  • Added Texture Mapping components: Box, Planar, Spherical, Cylindrical, and Surface.
  • Added Custom Preview with Bitmap Materials component
  • Added Convert To Document Units component
  • Added Explode Blocks Recursively component
  • Added Plot Weight to Create Attributes and Object Attributes components
  • Enabled Layer Full Path support for Create/Modify Layers, Object Attributes, Dynamic Pipeline, Layer Table, and Create Attributes components.
  • Enabled the Dynamic Pipeline component to listen for updates to lights.
  • Fixed a bug where Dynamic Pipeline would not deserialize properly
  • Fixed a bug where Explode Blocks would not remember its properties
  • Deprecated Box to Box Transform component
  • Deprecated Objects By Layer component in favor of Dynamic Pipeline
  • Added ability to specify diffuse and transparency bitmap textures to the Create/Modify Materials component

It's still in the validation queue for food4rhino, but you can download it directly here:

Views: 2118

Replies to This Discussion

Really nice Andrew! Great plugin!

Amazing work.

Extremely helpful!

Thanks a lot!


thank you Andrew! So much great stuff!






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