
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm having some problems with the geometry that disappear (although if i put a panel at the end of the component it exists).


Any one having the same problem?

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Also happening that the loop command (by the way, would be nice to have its own icon in the window menu) doesn't stop, even I have a really low number "max data lenght".

Here u have the definition (reaaaaally simple)



Hi Edion,


I saw in your file that you are always returning a single data value. Max Data Length only stops the loop if more data items than the limit is present at the hoopsnake D* input. It is meant as a kind of 'fail-safe' to prevent any mishap (eg. crash/crawling performance) resulting from the unexpected increase of the number of data items at the input of Hoopsnake.

If you would like instead to limit looping based on other factors (such as number of steps), you should create an evaluation function within grasshopper that outputs false when your termination criterion has been reached and connect it to the B* input of Hoopsnake. When your function turns false, the looping will stop.




thanks for your quick reply!

I now understand, that's why it works when i have the "don't delete previous iteration" (i don't remember the name, is the last icon) was enabled.

I hope you will be posting more examples from which to grow and learn. 

By the way, how to make the seed of a random change during the different loopings?


Ah! I almost forgot... what about the disappearing things? I'm sure is hoopsnake fault... (it even stops drawing geometries built in Rhino!)


Thanks again, for this great component! I'll be posting somethings later on

Hi again,


Thanks for your comments, I'll sure be posting more examples in the future.


I'm sorry but I don't have a clue about the disappearing geometry you mention. Could you post a definition?





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