
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to PROPERLY install this plugin (with proper links to side sources)

Hello everyone,

I feel rather stupid/sleepy for not being able to get this plugin work from the first try. Personally, I have never worked with GIS stuff before, so this is something new and exciting for me. 

I'd like to go one by one trough the proper installation, hopefully this post will prove helpful for the new users)))

  1. OK, heron.gha was unblocked and placed successfully in the Libraries folder
  2. Then we go here and click that big green "Download" button and get Newtonsoft.Json .net stuff through some sort of download manager (naaah) or choose direct download for zip file from GitHub (this link).
  3. Now the trickiest part, have no idea where to get the right GDAL/OGR libraries, but google led me here: Ok, and then what, do I get executables or source code, is it even the right place?

Those of you who has done it and now enjoy the best of this awesome plugin, please spend a minute to check the links and point in the right direction, thanks.

Views: 1616

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Hi Tim,

All the dlls that Heron.gha needs are included in the first post for Heron on food4rhino titled "Heron GHA with Newtonsoft.Json and GDAL libraries".  Once these are unblocked and placed in your components folder, the latest Heron should work with them.

Hey Brian,

All this time they were under my nose XD, I was looking around for the right stuff so I forgot to double check the most obvious place.

Thanks, .dlls are unblocked and placed in the right folder, however I have one component reporting a problem:

1. Solution exception:Input parameter index [-1] too low for Component ESRI REST Service Geocode.

Am I missing something?


My problem was simply solved by reinserting the component on the canvas.

Hi Brian,

Thank you a lot, you have just solved me a problem I had with another plugin.

I have just voted 5 stars to your app






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