
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a minor update to goat that ensures compatibility with latest Grasshopper version 0.9.0010. Get your latest copy from

This release includes

  • latest version of the NLopt library, that serves as optimization core of goat
  • compatibility with latest Grasshopper releases
  • minor updates to GUI

Again, this release is only for Grasshopper 0.9.0010 and later. If you are working with Grasshopper 0.8, please use goat 1.2.

have fun, simon

Views: 732

Replies to This Discussion


It seems as if the new API method Grasshopper.Folders.AssemblyFolders returns duplicates on your system.

As a quick work-around, could you please

  1. uninstall goat from C:\Program Files (x86)\ ....
  2. and install goat to Grasshopper's User Component Folder, e.g. in Grasshopper go to File > Special Folders > Components folder.

Please let me know if this helps. If not, I'll distribute an update of goat.

best, simon

Hey ho,

I have a similar problem following the installation instructions on your website. with Rhino SR8 Grasshopper 8.0066 on a Windows XP 32 bit system:

Priority: goat_PreLoader { Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. TargetInvocationException }

Priority: goat_PreLoader { Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. TargetInvocationException }

Unfortunately the work-around that you suggested doesn't succeed..



for Grasshopper 0.8.0066, use goat version 1.2. You can download it from

With regard to functionality, you don't miss a lot when using 1.2. Updates since 1.2 have been done mostly to be compatible with new Grasshopper versions 0.9+.

best, simon






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