
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


This might be an easy one for someone but i have been struggling with it for a while now. 

I keep getting an error:

Seems that there are no internet connection…." 

(see jpeg attached)

Things i've tried/checked:

- i'm connected to the internet 

- have tried connecting through different internet connections 

- have looked at the firewall settings (doesn't seem to be an issue)

Any other ideas on what this could be? - The interesting thing is Gizmo was working perfectly last week (the last time was on the 15/05/2018)  so the only thing i could think of is that it could be a windows update?

(see attached jpeg for list of windows updates FYI)

Thanks everyone - any help is much appreciated!

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi David,

I guess everything is fine with your Internet connection.
By googling it seems that this is either an issue with the certificate or some TLS (secure communication protocol).
I will try to contact the component author, and see if this issue can be solved.

Hi Djordje,

Thanks a lot for you research, much appreciated.

Let me know what you find out :-)



Hi David,

The author of "Address to Location" component, Guillaume has just fixed the issue with it.

In case you still need it, you can download this new component from here:

And replace it with the old one in:

File -> Special Folder -> User Object Folder

Hi Djordje, 

I downloaded "Address to Location" component and replace it user objects folder, but the same message keeps running "ERROR Seems that there are no internet connection...."

Maybe I download the wrong thing? Is there something that I can do to solve it?






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