
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is the third release of Gismo plugin.
It fixes some typos, but also adds 6 new components with the following features:

1) Support of 3D pitched roofs and flat parapet walls has been added (through new component "OSM 3D roof"):

2) Simplified 3D roads can be created by using the network of OSM polylines (through new component "OSM 3D road"):

3) 3D forest.
Up until now, Gismo supported generating a single 3d tree whenever such tree was present in database. Now it is possible to generate 3d trees in forest areas, by randomly positioning the 3d trees (through new component "OSM 3D forest"):

4) Boolean 3d shapes.
Gismo's "OSM 3D" component generates shapes as parts: for example, if a building has irregular shapes across its height, they will all be created individually. Trying to merge them with Grasshopper's "Solid Union" component can sometimes fail.
New Gismo "Rhino Boolean Union" components tries to overcome this issue by using a much better Rhino version of this command.

5) Library of common GIS color palettes (gradients).
A single component containing 22 of the common color palettes used in GIS applications as ArcGIS and QGIS. For example: elevation, aspect, precipitation...

6) Url to location.
Thanks to idea by Alex Ng, it is possible to extract location from a link of the following map websites: Openstreetmap, google maps, bing maps,, waze:

Version 0.0.3 can be downloaded from here:

Example files from here:

New suggestions, testing and bug reports are welcome!!

Views: 2681

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks a lot Djordje!!

Very useful.

Keep your good work going.



Awesome Djordje !

Thanks a lot !

Great job Djordje!

Hi Djordje,

I have a file that in the previous version i used to get the trees.

In this version they are gone.

The geometry is missing but the insertion points are there.

Any ideas?




Maybe i'm wrong. There are 119 shapes identified but only one tree modeled.

So probably some tree properties are missing.

So i'm taking this comment back ... unless you have some wisdom words.

Thanks again,


Hi Abraham,
Is it possible to check the .gh file.
It can be that you are right.

Hi Djordje,

Attached a file with just the files and topography parts.



Hi Abraham,
What happens is that the last few meters of the terrain are always slightly deformed due to reprojection. I am not sure if this can be fixed or not, it's caused by the GDAL libraries that MapWinGIS uses. I bypassed(blurred the issue) this by slightly cutting edge parts of the terrain each time when terrain is generated. So a radius of 300 meters, might be a bit less that 300. In your case the rest of the trees were actually located on that cut part of the terrain, and therefor were not generated by "OSM 3D" component (as it only generates 3d shapes which lie on the terrain surface).

If radius is increased a bit (to 400m for example), then the trees will be 'covered' by terrain and therefor created as 3d geometries. Here is a comparison with 400m radius from Rhino and the actual trees from openstreetmap:

Also attached file below shows how to create 3d trees for the forest areas.


Hi Djordje,

Thanks a lot!!

I see what you did and will try to fully understand.

Thanks again,


Is there any way to solve this error? Thank you!

Hi Madarchitect,
Did you install the latest MapWinGIS v.5.0.0? It is not currently supported by Gismo!
Try the following these steps, and install the version x64 as stated in the steps.






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