
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

OK, I'm loving you guys right now. I had a problem with my firewall blocking ports. After about an hour of TouchOSC setup and Windows 7 64-bit firewall tweaking, I'm in business. For anyone that doesn't want to spend $5 for TouchOSC (, there's also MRMR ( which is FREE. I've tested it, and gHowl is receiving messages from it on the same port.

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Hello Steve,
I am very glad you got it going! The firewall / locked network situation is definitely an issue we absorb when working with information protocols. I have made it a habit to being with me an Apple Airport Express when I am traveling in order to be able to use gHowl properly. Please let us know what you get up to with MRMR and grasshopper through gHowl!
Rodrigo Medina > Comment by Rodrigo Medina 14 minutes ago

@Steve I'm working on that same thing the way I do it was by connecting touchOSC to processing and then processing to Gh3d I'll make a basic tutorial I this perhaps next week I'll let you know
Not sure where Rodrigo posted this, but its not necessary to connect to Processing to do this (as you know Giulio). gHowl receivers and senders can use the OSC protocol directly.
Yes, Rodrigo posted that here:

It would be great to have a tutorial I think.


Can you give me some tips on your firewall tweaks?  I haven't gotten any messages through yet, despite turning off Windows Firewall entirely...

Hello Marc,

To be able to help you I would need to know a bit more about your network setup.  Usually if messages cannot get through it means that either the network does not allow it or the two devices which are trying to communicate are not on the same network or subnet.  If the two devices are definitely on the same network, then you need to check with the network admin and see if there are certain firewall restrictions there. 


Hello Luis,

  I am currently using University Wifi for ghowl. The two device I use are PC with Win7 and Ipad with IOS 7.  For some reason when I connected with TouchOSC I get this constantly flashing garbled information as 'Capture 01' Green area shows. 

I also attached my ipad setting screen cut.

I am not sure what the problem is, if it is firewall, it should not connected at all, but in my case, it shows this garbled information in 'Message' panel and nothing in 'OSC Date' panel.  


change send pattern to 999






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