
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Currently, the gHowl components support the following:

Spreadsheet In: Reading of .xls, .xlsx, and .ods files (requires the installation of Open Office)
Spreadsheet Out: Writing of Excel or Open Office Calc files

UDP Receiver: Allows the asynchronous reception of User Datagram Protocol messages.  Also allows OSC formatted UDP messages.  This works on the local machine and across the network.
UDP Sender: Allows the asynchronous sending of UDP messages as well as OSC formatted UDP messages.

OSC Channel: This component stores the data coming in from one OSC Device
OSC Dispatch: This component takes a list of OSC devices as inputs and stores their corresponding data.

We have a lot of upcoming features almost ready for release including fixes to existing components and new protocols such as MIDI and XML.  If there are any protocols you would like us to consider adding, please let us know.

We will soon be releasing gHowl to the general public.  Until then, if you would like to test out the components, please email us at gHowlcomponents[at]gmail[dot]com.
gHowl is currently developed by Giulio Piacentino, Luis E. Fraguada, and Damien Alomar.

Views: 1453

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gHowl components in the current state work with all flavors of 0.7x. A quick test of 0.8.0001 shows that some changes in Grasshopper cause some errors in gHowl. We will fix these shortly.
Hi Louis,

I am very interested in using midi to control GH and Rhino. What midi data will you support and will I be able to conect my midi controller and control components in Gh?

RPNs (Registered Parameter Numbers) and NRPNs (Non-Registered Parameter Numbers)
MIDI pitch wheel or pitch-bend messages
MIDI channel aftertouch (ChanAft) values
MIDI key aftertouch (KeyAft) values

Or will it be an import of a midi file only?

One example I can think of is to play on the controller, the note values create points in xy for each measure of time played, the next measure offsets the xy values in z and then when one clicks finish the patch command is activated to create a terrain of what was played.

Also the midi option would be great for other automation tasks like lights, light values or to evoke other rhino commands.

Thanks to the team for the hard work on this.
Hello Roland,
Damien has been working on the MIDI components and from the looks of things the intention is to connect midi devices and receive / log their information. He will chime in and can explain better the scope of the components.
Thanks Luis looking forward to what you guys come up with, should be very interesting.

Hi. I would like to connect a USB MIDI controller to my computer to controll grasshopper and found different old solutions or ideas but couldn't handle it so far. Are there any new solutions that could help me? Does gHowl support midi now?

Hi Henning,

Luis mentioned your request to me - I have a simple (read: no programming) way to connect my midi devices to ghowl, using a small java app by Rob King called moco.

For those interested, since then he has also posted the code (eclipse) for it in the comments on the same page.

Below is a simple implementation and a working gh definition for my LPD8. I have a screencap video, but it is quite choppy (emulated windows on a mac) - perhaps luis can host it if he likes ..



Here is a Quick screen capture of the process.

Recorded on a windows emulation, unedited.

I plug in my midi device first, then run Moco, then GH.


wow, jm! Thank you very much!!!

I found the solution with PureData but it just worked sometimes. This here is so much less complicated. I love it! 

thanks again!


Hi again. I'm still using your script from time to time and I would like to use it on my macbook now, running windows 7 on parallels but I can't get moco running. I guess it's a java problem and I tried different things already but it just doesn't want to work. Is there anything else I can use instead of moco?

Is gHowl working with the latest GH?   The example file seems to work with the spreadsheet reader but I cannot get my own files to open.   They are Excel docs that have been opened in Open Office and resaved in multiple formats (xls, csv, ods).   Also installed the OpenXML msi that is required, btw.  

Also, are you planning to add any support for reading the color value of each cell?  My old Excel scripts did that and I used it quite extensively.








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