
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

At 10:27am on April 26, 2012, Lara Behmoaramsaid…   

Hi Jon,

I'm still enjoying using the GG tools very much, but i just ran into a problem which i could not understand why its happening.

I am creating a customized voronoi network system, splitting the voronoi cells into different parcels based on site information.

I am splitting a field of voronoi cells into different regions created by the sdrnetwork polygon;afterwards rebuilding the split groups with higher degree to get closed cells.

However, as you will see in my script, the voronoi nerves which seem to be intersecting with the perimeter of the region come off as they werent touching the perimeter, resulting in unclosed cells.

I would really really appreciate it if you could have a look what might be going wrong.



Views: 996

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Lara,

Interesting model, looks good.  I'm not quite confident I've understood what is not working though.

If you mean the outer cells, the "main path" layer curves are not captured into the grasshopper calculation.  You might also need to adjust the "maximum accepted edges" input.  With a perimeter formed of hundreds of curves such as yours, this value might be quite high.  Refer attached, I'm happy to advise further.




Hi Jon,


Sorry for the late reply. I've been absorbed in a few other challenges with my script but now im back at this one.

Well my problem was actually about the last bits of my script, where im trimming the smaller voronoi cells with the regions created by the larger cells.

As you would see from my screen captures, the sdr split intersection seems to capture all of the segments including the ones on the perimeter of the region cell, yet the sdrnetworkpolygon does not detect each little cell as a closed one.

I hope i've managed to be a lttle clearer..


Thanks a lot for the help..





I see, I think if you flatten the curves for the network for polygons it works as you want? 

Refer attached. 








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