
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Jon.

It is my first time with solid element and I wasn't able to import into sap2000 v18.0.1.

There is no error in the solid property import but I didn't see Node and element.

Views: 1138


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Marco,

Thanks for the post.  I can fix the element numbering refresh (thanks for pointing that out).

What I can't get to work is the creation of a solid element in SAP.  It certainly worked when I implemented it (a few versions ago).  I'll try and investigate further but this might take some time.

Sorry it's not better news.



This is quite an old thread but I was facing the same problem raised by Marco.

I found that the issue was the order of the vertices describing the solid. SAP has a weird way to define them and basically ABCD EFGH would become 1243 5687.

In other words CD and GH need to be flipped in the ggSAPCreateSolid input.





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